What better way to show the world you love On Country With Mick than by replacing that old & tired windscreen banner with one of these.
White Text with a Black Outline & Clear Background, these are sure to pop where ever you insatll them. These banners are designed at approx 750mm X 100mm to keep you legal with the boys in blue. These amazing quality stickers are printed on 7 Year Polymeric vinyl and then laminated. Not only do these stickers provide an amazing final product but they will stand the test of time in the brutal Australian weather.
Tip for application, with a small spary bottle apply a light coating of water and use something such as a squeegie or in my case an old out of date bank card when applying to remove any air bubbles.
On Country Windscreen Sticker
Shipping generally within 24 hours by regular Australian Post. Banners will be shipped Rolled in a Tube, Not folded like some others do.